Sunday, 16 June 2019

Ethics of AI: how should we treat rational, sentient robots – if they existed?

Imagine a world where humans co-existed with beings who, like us, had minds, thoughts, feelings, self-conscious awareness and the capacity to perform purposeful actions—but, unlike us, these beings had artificial mechanical bodies that could be switched on and off.

* This article was originally published here

Research explores the impact of masculine expectations on new fathers' mental health

Pressures and expectations of masculinity and a lack of information and support for men can exacerbate mental health struggles for new fathers, research published by the Parliamentary Select Committee for Women and Equalities reports.

* This article was originally published here

How to handle the emotional roller-coaster at family gatherings

Weddings, graduations, anniversaries and births are happy occasions, but if you find yourself welling up with unexplained tears, don't feel bad about it.

* This article was originally published here